Pitch Biznis Lakay

Giving entrepreneurs a platform to pitch their business ideas while getting feedback, advice, and investment.

Fill out the form below to reserve your spot to pitch on stage.


Sponsorship Opportunities

Coming soon.


  • Be on time; the room will be open at 6:55 PM EST, and plan on starting at 7:00 PM
  • Up to 3 contestants
  • 1.5 minutes (90 seconds) to pitch your idea
  • 3 minutes for judges to ask questions
  • Judges will rate your idea on a scale of 1 to 5.
  • Only the judges will and can be moderators.
  • The hand-raising option will be open at 7:05 pm EST
  • After the judges rate you, a moderator will remove you from the stages
  • You will know your score before leaving the stage
  • At the end of the game, the person with the highest number wins $100 for first place, and if there is a tie, the prize will be split. If there are 3 ties or more ties, those will have to pitch again for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
  • If there is no 3-way first place split, the second runner-up will get $100.
  • The winners must be present and in the room when called. If absent, then the prize will go to the next runner-up.
  • All contestants must reserve a spot to pitch

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